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Data Project Analysis

A Case Study on Stanford Literary Lab’s The Emotions of London

as a Data Consumption and Repurposing Project

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Aligned to PLOs 2 & 3

This analysis of a data consumption and repurposing project was created for LIS 60010 The Information Landscape.  This report studied a digital humanities project conducted by the Stanford Literary Lab called The Emotions of London, in which eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British novels were analyzed for their descriptions of emotional content related to London place names.  Because the digital humanities is a emerging area of research for the application of library and information science methodologies, this report identified the ways in which existing tools, databases, bibliographic information, and both quantitative and qualitative data were merged with text mining, sentiment analysis, and crowdsourcing to gain new insights into the study of literary texts.  The study also provided a glimpse into an example of the information lifecycle, as unstructured textual information was enriched and visualized with contextual and geographic data to provide a new information product.  It demonstrated that information professionals have a new vital role to play in data projects as architects and specialists on teams of researchers as the digital humanities uses digital tools and information science methods in groundbreaking exploratory studies. 


Also aligned with

  • ALA Core Competencies

    • ​1.3.1. Foundations of the Profession, i.

    • 1.3.2. Information Resources, a.

    • 1.3.4. Technological Knowledge and Skills, d.

    • 1.3.5. Reference and User Services, b., d., & g.

    • 1.3.6. Research

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© 2020-2021 L.P. Coladangelo, College of Communication and Information, Kent State University

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