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Knowledge Organization

Knowledge Organization Structures,
Systems and Services
LIS 60636
Introduction to various types of knowledge organization systems, services, and structures (KOS) used in the networked environment. Understanding of the functional philosophical, logical, and linguistic fundamentals of KOS. Explanation of design options, features of KOS, and procedures to be used in the thesaurus, taxonomy and ontology construction.
Metadata Architecture and Implementation
LIS 60637
Principles and theories of metadata development in the digital environment. Main focus is given to the design and applications of metadata schemas for distinct domains and information communities, issues in metadata interoperability, vocabulary control, quality control and evaluation. Examination of international standards, activities and projects with the use of case study approach.
Indexing and Abstracting
LIS 60649
Principles and methods of manual and computerized indexing and abstracting applied to I & A databases, back of book indexes website indexes and sitemaps. Techniques of constructing indexing languages using international standards. Theory and practice of index design for specific formats and subjects. Automation and I & A services in networked environments.
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© 2020-2021 L.P. Coladangelo, College of Communication and Information, Kent State University

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