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Thesaurus / Controlled Vocabulary

American Contra Dance

and English Country Dance Thesaurus


Aligned to PLOs 1 & 5

Also aligned with

  • ALA Core Competencies

    • ​1.3.1. Foundations of the Profession, a. & i.

    • 1.3.3. Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information

    • 1.3.5. Reference and User Services, a. & f.

  • Core Competencies for Cataloging and Metadata Professional Librarians

    • ​1) Knowledge Competencies: "Understands principles behind controlled vocabularies" and "Understands indexing and database structure"

The following thesaurus was created for LIS 60649 Indexing and Abstracting.  A thesaurus is both an indexing language and a controlled vocabulary used in the organization and representation of resources used by a particular user group or community.  Domain analysis and faceted classification were implemented to study the language of dance terms used within these closely related traditions.  The development of the American Contra Dance and English Country Dance Thesaurus identified the need for a standardization of the terms used by practitioners and historians of these traditions to inform indexing practices related to the cataloging of choreographic works.  These standardized terms and their defined relationships would then enable indexers to index dances for storage in databases and other search and retrieval systems.  As a result, the thesaurus acts as a knowledge organization system to support other systems which make dance works more accessible to their user community. 


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© 2020-2021 L.P. Coladangelo, College of Communication and Information, Kent State University

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