Contra Dance
as an
Intangible Cultural Heritage
A Study of the Dance
"Delphiniums and Daisies" by Tanya Rotenberg
This proposed semantic network model of contra dance shows the connections
between entities and concepts using a specific vocabulary to describe relationships.
This kind of modeling can later be leveraged as linked data and ontologies.
Further Research
This project is the beginning of future research opportunities into:
using pluralist methods of knowledge organization and representation to study ICH, particularly folk dances, rituals, and event-based traditions
application of facet analysis, entity relationship (ER) modeling, the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), and the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) to contra dance
developing structured vocabularies and domain knowledge bases like thesauri and ontologies for contra dance and other folk dance forms
building digital repositories and exhibitions for visualizations of folk dance figures, patterns, and movements
developing metadata schemas and cataloging standards for folk dance and other folk traditions